It's over, at least for this weekend. The 26.2 mile race is completed. I am thrilled with the thirty four Equal Start Runners. Thirty four runners started. Thirty four finished.
I felt good. As with my previous marathons, I started too quick. No matter how hard I tried, the momentum of the crowd of runners around us pushed the pace. By the time I hit the fifteen mile marker, my legs, specifically, my upper thighs, were fried and starting to cramp. It felt like a tennis ball and been shoved underneath my quads. I wasn't surprised totally because I wasn't prepared for even the smallest of hills.By twenty miles, I felt better. To see friends gathering caused me to pause for a couple minutes to shoot a quick video. I was overwhelmed with so many people's love and connection to the cause. Here are a few random thoughts…
Greatest Shock: How many people wanted, loved, or asked about the Equal Start Original "Be Change" shirts.Greatest Gift: Russell snuck a project in underneath me. It's recorded encouragement and some scripture that Rick Cole and my kids recorded over music in the G5 Studio. I listened to it each of the three times when I was needing a mental push.
Greatest Feeling: About two minutes past the starting line, Bad: Live from U2 was blaring in my ears. I turned around at the group and saw a ton of black "Be Change" shirts. I hollered at them, "It's good to be alive!" And it is.
Greatest Performance: TIE: Travis Cole and Voula Beishline.
Travis is an amazing human specimen. He is a genetic anomaly. How can anyone come out on the day of the race with zero training and run a 4:20?
And Voula, oh Voula! Over a year ago, her daughter Ashley ran the 06 marathon with me. Voula was challenged having just been told her 40 year old physical body was 92 years aged due to health. When we started she couldn't jog a minute straight. She grabbed on to some vision and started running with us. This past summer, she summitted the highest peak in Lower 48 and finished the California International Marathon.
Greatest Song That Quickened Me On Today's Marathon Playlist: Bad Live By U2.
Thanks to all of the emails and people who stepped up in HUGE ways to give to Equal Start. The students of the inner city school Oak Ridge Elementary deserve it.

This picture is of Principal Steve Lewis and I crossing before our goal of under five hours.
Be Change,
Jason Harper