I wrestled with thoughts that twisted in my mind. But my friend, MAJ D. ANDERSON spoke to my confusion with crystal clarity. Prior to his deployment this morning, he said, "I don't believe in war, but I believe in the men and women fighting in it."
War doesn't see politics. MAJ D. ANDERSON spoke this thought at a goodbye ceremony a few weeks ago. He challenged his soldiers to follow him into the war theater. As a MEDI-VAC pilot group, they see the heartbeat of the battle field.
They land in the Hot Zones taking on all sorts of fire from the enemy. Their goal is to air-vac out the wounded. He showed me and many of my friends the pictures of his 2005 tour where small arms fire consumed the belly of his Black Hawk. He will endure it again.
Today he invited me to be a part of the deployment. The men and women lined into formation. Families gathered around. He turned it over to me to pray for their safety and speedy return.
At that moment there was reverence. I did not see any hesitancy. There were no court injunctions to stop the prayer. There were no dissenting voices. Just a group of brave soldiers thankful for family and friends. Regardless of belief, the gesture of prayer was appreciated as many approached to simply say, "thank you for coming out." I felt humbled. I thanked them for what they do. "Thank you for being the pilots that evac out our wounded.
Prior to their flyover, my heart jumped with mixed emotion. I already miss Dan. But I also know we are one day closer to he and his team returning.
There is a fine line that skews my love for a country and the wars it fights.
As MAJ. D led, this the first portion of deployment, the Black Hawks flew over. I snatched this clip.