I loved the Joker. But it wasnt enough to spare this dud from a dismal dive.
Three times I had to turn it off from sheer boredom. Then the restlessness drew me back to "try" it again. I tried it in the morning. I tried it mid-afternoon. I tried it at 4AM. With excruciating pain, the movies worked better than two Soma pills chased with Nyquil.
Finally, on the third attempt, I cried uncle. I couldn't take it anymore. I stopped it and placed it back in the case. Its out of here.
I was left with some questions that perhaps the Dark Knight Marks will have answers for me.
1) Why did the mayor wear so much eye liner?
2) Why did the Chinese business man speak Cantonese? In Hong Kong, Mandarin is spoken.
3) Batman's voice...was that a subtle joke on the viewer? It was like a nails on a chalkboard?
4) How did Two Face speak normally with half of his face gone?
5) Cell phone imaging sonar?? Yeah right, I can barely make a normal phone call without dropping the line. * From Yahoo Answers
Final thought illustrated
I'll take Jack.