So while at Badwater, I was able to talk to and connect with Dean Karnazes. WOW.
Maybe you have not heard of him. He is a super human, physically and socially. He advocates for children using his love for running to move people to action. A few years ago, I talked about him ON AIR and a listener sent me a signed copy of his book. Since then he continues to write and run for a reason
I read that Dean runs all night at times to clear his head. I've tried it and it works. I logged 51 miles one night. Granted, I had a reason but to say I finished with more clarity is accurate. In 2006, he also chose and completed 50 marathons in 50 days... in 50 states. Unless you've run one, it may not sound like alot. Its super human. Thats the theme of his latest writing called 50/50/50.
As he approached us on the road during his race, my heart was raced. I was nervous like a little girl would be meeting Hannah Montana. Reflecting back, I was more afraid of how pissed I would be if I met him and he blew me off or big leagued me. Its happened when I've met people I admired.
Dean responded to my hello with genuine people skills, only available in the vineyard of authenticty. Sure I had heard he was kind and approachable but there is always a reservation in me when saying hello to someone I admire. Yet with Dean it was different. What moved me the most was his humility and approachability. He was engaging, talkative, and inspiring...and he was running a 135 mile foot race in 120+ heat called Badwater. The two connecting points were short and brief.
I was challenged by him. There are times when I am NOT engaging, talkative, and inspiring...and I am sitting in my office. When I returned to Sacramento after Badwater our conversation continued when I posted a comment on his site. He quickly emailed directly and picked up the conversation where we left off. Wow. He doesn't know me except for a brief window yet he sought to be inclusive and compimentary.
We live a culture that does not produce these types of best case scenarios...But this one worked.
Tomorrow, I want to be the best version of myself. I want to not text when someone is talking to me and I want to make eye contact with people as they talk to me. In that brief moemn I want people to know I truly care.
Peace & Love.