The light on my laptop started to flicker in a quickly attempted reboot. A few moments ago, I was sitting in a Pennsylvania airport trying to get an email off before this early morning flight took off. I am an hour an a half into the flight and I am just starting to breathe calmly again.
Having cleared TSA Security, I opened my laptop and tried to log in. It was taking unusually long. I have gotten to wear I can boot up, connect, write, send and boot down in a matter of minutes if really pressed. But it all hinges on the wireless connection. Or should I say, lack of wireless connection.
Murphy’s Law was in affect. Meaning what could go wrong, was going wrong. The wifi signal was so weak that a simple log in page was taking forever. As I sat in complete frustration, I could hear the words of my “I just got a computer” dad barking at me that technology has gone to far too fast. At this moment he was write.
Back in Pittsburg, I opted to grab my blackberry and use it to try to smuggle out a cryptic text describing in “teen text language” the complex one page email. As I entered the final C U SOON 4SURE, my blackberry’s battery died. It didn’t really matter; I hardly had any signal anyway.
It has donned on me that everything in my immediate proximity relies on connectivity. Now, 30,000 feet above the ground, I am totally disconnected. Those that I need to get this email out to can’t get to me and I can’t get to them. Connectivity matters.
Weak WIFI was my demise. A simple reconnect could have resent the signal. You follow me. Not on a technological thought, but on a spiritual thought.
Now isolated, I am frustrated. Now that I am disconnected, those that can help me can’t connect with me. I needed to connect. Have you ever been in a place where you just want to be left alone? Sometimes circumstances disconnect us. Sometimes, “we” disconnect us.
From your family? Your spouse? Your spiritual growth? In a worst case scenario, we amputate ourselves from the pursuit of becoming the best version of you.
Have you ever felt isolated?
Think about the power of disconnect. Solitary Confinement is the greatest punishment we pose on the imprisoned. Yet, people live everyday in a self imposed isolation where feelings lies, wounds deepen, and darkness invades.
Sometimes I need to climb out of the hole.
Today, get into a regular connectivity receiving the strongest vibe from Christ. Jesus loves the disconnected yet refuses to leave them in isolation.
Much hope,
Jason Harper