Something has moved me. Over the past month, a single word in a song can grip me for and entire day. Sometimes its the most obscure line of a song by a band I have never heard before. Its amazing the power of words.
A word, a sentence, a statement can change everything.
What Builds is Labeled Destructive
What is ironic is how 'flipped' culture has become. Imagine this scenario. A person of courage speaks words of truth and honesty but because the listener's insecurities, the words are ignored, teflon'ed, or worse, denied. The words are labeled mean or insensitive. Because of the listeners flawed definition of truth, they'll commit all resources to image management. Deny, re-direct, or deafen...but they'll do anything but dedicate to the words they thought were hurtful.
What is Destructive is Labeled Life Building
So many times, flattery leads to greater flaws and failure. Compliments are cunning. The reality is that we have inverted what is healthy by what "feels good." Sometimes truth hurts. Thicken the skin and embrace what is needed not what it wanted.
Build a destiny that is filled with people who love you enough to tell you the truth. Then when it cuts like a knife, know that immediately their words will heal as they are processed.
I had just watched a friend ignite in a flame of failure. Pride strangled potential. Ego eclipsed hope. Living across the country, it was hard to get a sit down with them. Within days, they had vomited words on every common friend trying to lobby an army into their corner called "favor." Meanwhile, I just shrugged it off and thought, the poor soul...its going to be a rough landing...and then I heard it.
Who would of thought Marshall Mathers could speak such truth the situation. With 1000's of miles between us, if all of creation were listening to the song, the world that they brought into the conversation, would see the dark colors that betrayal used to paint an image protecting alibi. Instead, I latched on to a few of these words...
"[The World]Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if a thing's stopping me
I'mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony
No if and's or buts-don't try to ask him "why?" or "how can he?"
I just realized, sometimes people tear down their own balconies.
Words build.
Words destroy.
So I introduce you a joy ride into my brain and Ipod. From twitter and facebook, I am going to throw a lyric a day #LOTD.
You can do it too.
Until then, speak life and embrace truth.