Let me begin.
1. Yes the picture is real and yes this is 'Bob'. Bob is a protester who, along with a few others, decided to show up and protest CCC's 'Celebrate Sacramento' event on Sunday
2. While they protested, over 5000 people came to our campus and saw true expressions of REAL and AUTHENTIC hope.
3. GOUGH is my small group leader who snapped it leaving the event.
4. The protesters congregate North of Sacramento in the foothills above Coloma. The town nearest to their house church is called Georgetown.
5. In my opinion they thrive on attention to feed their mind's belief.
Get this, their church is called....drum roll please....
"Church of the Divide"
Regardless, I am committed to loving them, even if I don't agree with them. Sometimes the scripture that says, "That which you do to the least of them, you have done unto me" is not always the easiest. Especially when they pose under signs that have scripture on them.
There are two Triad Podcast that I will direct you to that deal with this and my progression of trying to do the right thing.
This is what got the thing rolling:
Embarrassed By Hate
This is when they showed up
Episode 90: Flying High with Pain of Protest
You can go to www.jasonharper.cc to hear Episode 90. The other one is archived at www.harpercast.blogspot.com
For further entertainment, you can view and comment on the video they posted about me on Youtube.com
It is a hilarious of spliced clips in non-sequential order. Nothing like cut and splice to make a point...
CLICK HERE: Church of the DIVIDE'S Creative Edits
If you watch the video, please comment to communicate that you are not with them...
Much hope,