In today's culture its hard to find a hero. I find myself more drawn to the story of common people doing uncommon things. At races, I find myself more drawn the plodder who presses through and finishes last than the Super Elite who finishes first without breaking a sweat. This weekend four heroes emerged in my life. Ive known each of them for some time, but occasionally you get a deeper look and become even more amazed by who they are.
Meredith Maher and Hayley Padua Dean
These two will change the world. Last year I met them while speaking at Oak Ridge High School. They organized a prom that help fund the Be Change initiatives in Oak Park. But this last week, they both were host dates at the Evening of Dreams prom. Together, on each side they escorted a young man to the prom and assured that on this night, he was King of the World. I want my daughter to grow and mirror the heart of these two world changers.
Nick O'Sullivan
He crushes people on the football field. He just runs over the opponent. As Del Oro superstar, I met Nick last year speaking at the Del Oro Eagles Thursday night team dinners. On Friday nights, I cheered as he dominated. But this past weekend along side of Hayley and Meredith and 150 other student athletes and leaders, Nick dominated again. On this night, with kindness and humility. Nick hosted as well, and offered a shoulders that we placed huge expectations on. And he delivered. He always does.
Malcolm Kennedy
MK is a fireman. His life is given to saving lives. When he heard that one young ladies dream was to go to prom with a fireman, Malcolm got permission to where his fire fighting attire and escort a young lady down the Yellow Brick Road and into her Enchanted Forest. As he pushed her wheel chair down the aisle, the crowd cheered and I cried.

Today, be a hero to someone.