Some say to count sheep. Sheep doing what? Jumping? Running in a field? I thought of sheep and the sheep told me to go away because they were sleeping. Everyone seems to sleep. The fam...they sleep fine.
It seems like once or twice a month I get blasted with a dose of insomnia. My bout may be different than those that you have experienced. I go to sleep. But then about two hours into bliss. I awaken. My senses and my soul are fully engaged. Internally and mentally, I feel as if have awakened from a winter of slumber. But when it's barely past midnight, custom screams, "You have to go back to sleep."
That is the only thing that could drown out the drips and clicks of the faucet and the clock.
I get irrational. The more I try to sleep the harder it is to get to sleep.
I get diabolical. I press for answers. The less I find running the trails in my mind, the more I search. I get socio-pathic pressing in for even a few winks.
My only hope...or apparent hope is found in this formula, but this crap scares me.
So despite the commitment to run from the chemical compound, I choose to do just that. Run.
With my shoes tight and snug, I take off and run. There is something surreal about early morning...1 AM running. My feet still hurt.
I am not tired and sore.
Maybe tonight will be different.
Its 8:04 AM and I am ready for lunch.