TRIAD PODCAST: A must listen.
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Sync your ipod or other media mp3 player to hear weekly recordings of The Triad. In easily accessible, fast-moving format, join many others on five continents for quick spoken snapshots that encourage the heart and enrich the soul...most of the time. Its edgy, irreverent, and even faith-filled.
Triad Training: Triad is a three-phased approach to living life with meaning and impact. The Triad Podcast has explodes and has listeners on five continents. Each thirty minute episode dives into the lives of each cast member. Jason, the "Leader of Livewire," is in constant chaos.
Sean, his trusted side kick, offers dry sarcasm, tackling Jason's often out of control rants against the judgmental people within faith. Lainey, the daughter of Jason's boss who used to date Sean. She just got married. Now Sean's getting married. What is weird is who he decided to marry. He is marrying Laine's husband's ex-fiance; Chaotic to say the least.
In the midst of the madness, these twenty somethings are the new generation. They always turn a corner and land on a 'take-away' that makes life better for the listener.
The back drop is one of the largest evangelical churches on the West Coast. In the first 150 episodes, The Triad guest have included Delirious, XXX Church, Ed Young Jr., The Katinas, Misty Edwards, Donny Pauling, JR Mahon, Ron Jeremy, Former NFL Dallas Cowboy Scott Galbraith, and many others.
The Triad Cast Includes....
Jason Harper, Director of Outreach
He has met Mother Theresa, President Bush, but can be seen spending time with Porn King Ron Jeremy and Porn Pastor Craig Gross.
NICKNAME SHOULD BE: Captain of Chaos/Pastor of Disaster
Sean Baumstark, COO
At twenty-six years old he administrates operations and the team that drives the 20 Million budget and 300 full-time employees...and he used to be Jason's secretary.
Lainey Cole, Director of Marketing
Sean's former love who married his fiance's ex-boyfriend...don't try to follow it. She is quick, stubborn and can melt Jason with a smile or soft appeal. Her dad is the top dog who they all work for.
Sarah Nelson
Quick witted with a blistering tongue was quasi-raised by Jason and his wife, her freedom of fear of him shows. They brawl, cat-fight, and verbally joust constantly.
Fourth Seat Rotation:
Additional Cast:
Christa Smith
Michelle Purcell
Russell Breton
Sara Wilke
Sandy Everett
Search Itunes for "Jason Harper" to subscribe. The Triad Podcast...guaranteed to polarize, ostracize, and criticize judgmental people.
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