About three years ago, I first saw The Amazing Race. Lynette was flipping through the stations surfing for something and landed on it. She said, "Jas, this is so you." In that alone I was intrigued. I sat and watched how teams of two navigated check point to check point gaining clues to arrive at a final destination. The teams of two are on a global race. My Type A personality was hooked. It was part social experiment, part poker, part chess, played out on a global playing board. To me it is more complex than Survivor. Its more tactical than biggest loser. Six billion human beings can become your hurdle or your help. Lynette said, you should race with Sarah. Known also as "Nels," Sarah is like our adopted daughter from afar. When she was in sixth grade she adopted us, when she was in eight grade we adopted her friendship. Now she is 25 and works on a daily basis in the office across the hall from me. She drives me nuts, but she makes me better.
I asked Lynette, "Why Sarah?" She said because of the following reasons.
1. She is strong enough argue with you.
2. She runs marathons with you.
3. She can survive your Driver personality that runs through any obstacle.
4. She has traveled to 30 plus countries for work and fun.
And then she said, "And she is smarter than you." I paused and thought of how to argue back. Oh I had ammo. But then I listened to what she was saying and it made sense. Wives do that; At least mine does. They make sense. She had seen the value of tension that enhances circumstance and situation. Think of those in your life. If you really want to win would you surround yourself with:
1. Someone weaker or whom was intimidated and not willing to joust?
2. Someone who lacks endurance to push you?
3. Someone who melts because of your personality?
4. Someone who is less experienced or versed than you?
When it comes down to it, who do you surround yourself with? Are those around you willing to challenge you? Are you the smartest, strongest, and wisest in your circle? If so, consider adding to your circle.
A strong circle around you, a team of rivals, will make you better. It will lead you on a journey that is fast and furious; fun and focused. It will make for an amazing Race at an amazing pace.
If that is not your style, change the channel. Survivor starts at seven.
Much hope. Much love.