Sacramento Parent Magazine contacted us last week to do an update on the children of Oak Ridge Elementary School. It is hard to believe that more than seven months have passed since that really long day.
The support of so many people has been overwhelming. Each day a new element of the story emerges. It's a real time evolution of hope. And the pain...
Just over two weeks ago, I entered the operating room to repair some internal madness. It seems an abdomen rip was "exacerbated" by the run. A rip was also found on the right side of my naval. Repaired. None the less, my recovery is completed. Now I can start to run just a few more weeks.
Sacramento Parent asked, "What's Next?" I am excited to announce we are looking for runners to go the distance of 26.1 on behalf of a child of Oak Ridge. After Wednesday, February 4, visit to get involved!
Today, visit: Sacramento Parent Magazine Featured Update Extra Mile Run
Looking ahead! Much love. Much hope.