Amazing enough, but occasionally, you hit the trail with a group of guys. They are your buddies and they are runners. But as you head down the trail, the smell invades you. You pause and try to hold your breath, but its impossible to do that and succeed while running. At first you think the rot smell is someone having ripped off some gas. But as the yards turns to miles, the smell is constant.
Arriving at the out and back turn around, you each pause for a moment. And what you thought was a fleeting passing smell is actually a lingering smell hanging off of one of the guys, choking all who are around.
Its always a guy. Never a woman. But why?
Because realize the need to wash the running gear daily. But guys, no. They will peel the clothes off and throw them in the corner and wear them for each of their five weekly runs. By day two, they are ghastly. Buy day four, ghostly. By day five, deadly.
Taboo Tuesday talks about remedies. From "runner's tummy" to bloody nipples, solutions are offered.
The same is true today. Regular Tide may not work. Once the funk has set in, it is steeped in the clothes...
If you see people running far from you, take a whiff.