Its a great day for a 50K. The Way Too Cool 50 in an incredible race that occurs just a few miles from where I live (15ish). Its the closest race and I love the fact that I get to be home afterwards.
Yesterday I posted some pre-race thoughts. After talking to a friend, they had pointed out I over looked the most obvious. What do you do when race morning comes and you feelings are engulfed by thoughts of insecurities. Those thoughts can strangle a great day.
1. "I am not ready"
Trust your training. The mind is already trying to throw a mutiny by shaking the hours and miles of faithful training. Remedy is to go back and replay the days you ran and didnt want to. Remember the days you ran fast and personal bests were shattered on days you werent trying to go fast or far. You are ready.
2. "I may want to quit"
Of course you will. Your running far. Your mind will want to quit but your will is stronger than your mind.
3. "My training was insufficient"
Your training won't cripple you. Your thoughts will. Most of the time, people go into races having overtraining or they are too tired. For the desire to get a little bit more training, they ignored the proper taper and ran to much in the days leading up to race day. The body holds on to endurance as does the mind. The worst possible deficiency is going in to race stressed.
4. "What if I feel crappy?"
Chances are the first few miles will feel like garbage. Its your nerves that make you feel like crap. Settle down. Settle in. Embrace the pain. Run to gain.
Gain greater depth.
Gain greater perspective.
Gain greater hope.
Gain greater strength.
Gain greater confidence.
Gain greater control over your mind through your will.
Now go.