Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pictures of Poetic Partnership

It has been said that lots of hands make for lighter work. In this case, it was feet. The runners of Equal Start committed to Be Change. If I way westernize Gandhi, he said become the change you want to see in the world.

Here are a few pics that brand the moment of significance.

Pressing Thru the twenty point and throwing up the Determinance d

Interview at 20

Conor: One of our top finishers with Trav, Mike, and Larry

Trav and Melissa

Principal Steve Lewis of Oak Ridge Elementary and I at 26.1 miles. 100 Yards to go.

Interviewed at the end

Russ comforting an exhausted but courageous Michelle

Sean snapped this impromptu of Steve Lewis and I. That sums it up.

A few of the 100% team where ALL Equal Start runners finished!

Why I run.

There were so many who made this happen. If I posted them all, MySpace would crash. Look in and tune in to the TRIAD Podcast Episode called "The Reveal"

Our next plan, is about to be unveiled. Don't miss out on the ability to Be Change.

Much Love.
