Saturday, August 07, 2010

Frigid Inside

Its a paradox forsure. After long runs (18-20 Miles or more) I have grown accustomed to Ice Baths. Essential recovery tools help eliminate 'next-day' soreness, lessen fatigue, and minimize swelling. Of course the remedy in being submerged in 60-80 lbs of ice in a bath tub.

The reality is that I would rather run 50k and be pounding the pavement for 6 hours than have to suffer in waste deep ice for 6 min. Seriously. I'm ok with pain. I just HATE being frigid inside.

Sitting there, trembling and shaking for the first 2 min is ruthless. Minutes 3-6ish, a calm, tranquil, peace settles. No shaking, not even shivering. Stillness. NUMB.

After the 6 minute mark, or when the shakes come back, thats when its time to get out. The second round of Shaking & Shivering hits and danger is near. The body begins to survive by trying to generate heat. Thats the shivering. Its also the doorbell to the soul, saying, "Hey Idiot, get me warm."

More miles to go.