I am not an advocate of this mantra. No Pain, No Gain.
For smart runners, it depends on what type of pain. Pain can take two voices in your head and it is your job to figure deciper which pain is attempting a mutiny.
Pain #1 | "A nominal ache from usage that screams "YOU MUST STOP NOW!"
Its passion is to get you to quit. your brain is attempting to get you to stop because it does not want you to keep working hard.
Solution | Keep going.
Pain #2 | "A nagging pain that is acute, direct, and nagging."
Its purpose is to get you to stop running. Your brain is attempting to get you to stop because it does not want you to do deeper damage. This voice must be adhered to.
Solution | Stop going.
Here is lies the problem...which voice is it.
I must admit, often I cant tell the difference between the too. I am learning. I am stubborn. I can be stupid.
Thanks to JMAC, I was forwarded this link. Often asked what are the most common injuries, the more concise question is what is the best way to prevent the most common injuries. This is a great investment in your time...to link in and investigate how you can stay healthy.
The Five Most Common Running Injuries and Prevention
Now run,