A runner's edge is rooted in the ability to adapt to adversity. Long distance, even Ultra, has never been attempted and completed by anyone who lacks resilience of mind. Though they may not feel they are strong, ironically, the sheer fact that they finished, show a strong mental fortitude.
Are you resilient? Does your mind have the ability to over-throw your body's attemped mutiny when it comes to "pressing through?"
Resilience is similar to a rubber band that is stretched. Resilience has the ability to, through stretched, can flex and ply back to its original form without breaking.
Resilience is the ability to work with adversity in such a way that one comes through it unharmed or even better for the experience. Resilience means facing life’s difficulties with courage and patience – refusing to give up. It is the quality of character that allows a person or group of people rebound from misfortune, hardships and traumas.
"Resilience is rooted in a tenacity of spirit—a determination to embrace all that makes life worth living even in the face of overwhelming odds. When we have a clear sense of identity and purpose, we are more resilient, because we can hold fast to our vision of a better future."
Here are some of my favorite quotes that echo on the resilience stage.
"Resiliency is "the process of, capacity for, or the outcome of successful adaptation despite challenging or threatening circumstances."
(Masten, Best and Garmezy (1990)
Resiliency is "... the inherent and nurtured capacity of individuals to deal with life's stresses in ways that enable them to lead healthy and fulfilled lives"
(Howard & Johnson 1999 p 3).
"It always seems impossible ... until it's done."
Nelson Mandela
"You can't cross a sea by merely staring into the water."
Rabindranath Tagore
"I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value."
Hermann Hesse
"Victory belongs to the most persevering."
Napoleon Bonaparte
Remember, with that rubberband's resilience, the further it is stretched, the further it flies when released.