ADHD. :)
Loving. Kind. Caring.
Easily bored and yet determined to live life to the foolest, Keira is race director in Southern California. A huge ball of energy with a gigantic passion for life, Keira competes. Her friends love her and she loves them.
Ultra-runners, two quick thoughts.
1) Stay on her good side by living self-less as she does and give your energy to a cause that is bigger than you. As do I, Keira believes that if you are going to run, run for a reason.
2) Register to run in her world. Find the races that she is connected to and frequent them. A few to start with...
Leona Divide
Los Pinos 50K
Leona Valley Trail Races
Keira on Keira: "I am extremely demanding on all involved personally with me...I'm all about my ultra family! Being afraid and discouraged will cause you to miss your destiny...fear keeps you from starting, and discouragement causes you to quit."
Now run,
* Keira Henninger (L) and Michelle Barton (R)