He was kind and engaging. He focused and battling the heat. His book The Ultra Marathon Man is a must read for any person seeking to redefine their impossible. But now Karno is up to it again, this time with Regis and Kelly
"Runner Dean Karnazes is about to set out on what he calls "without a doubt the most intense endeavor I've ever undertaken.”
For a guy whose running resume includes 50 marathons in 50 days in all 50 states, that's saying a lot.
But running a mere 26.2 miles every day for less than two months is nothing compared with what he's setting out to do Friday from Disneyland. His plan is to run from California to New York, a trip of nearly 3,000 miles that will require up to 14 hours daily and an average of 50-60 miles a day.
And he's doing it on live television. The nationally syndicated show “Live! With Regis and Kelly” will be tracking his progress all the way, starting with a live sendoff during Friday's broadcast. A bus carrying a production crew will follow Karnazes, enabling the show to check in with him almost every day." - LA TIMES FULL ARTICLE
Some think he is crazy. I think he is committed to redefining whats possible.
What do you look at as impossible? What distance dwarfs reason to you? Are you seeking to lose some weight and are choked by the thoughts of what could never happen?
OR what could happen?
How far could you run? 5K, 10K, a Half Marathon? A full? Is there an Ultra in you?
Does the fear of the impossible scare you?
Redefine your life. Redefine whats possible. It starts with a single step.
Step off,