Friday, May 11, 2007

What is Meaning?

Most of the time I think I get it. Then, as quick as I think I have a firm grasp, it eludes me. I don't want much out of life; I just want to change the world. Is that to much to ask? Maybe if I understood a firm definition of "What Is Meaningful?" then I would have it. I would have changed the my world.

That's where I can start. That's where you can start. Answer this question from your perspective and breathe. Breathe in life from the creator who gives you the creativity to do.

What is meaningful?

For me....

Meaningful is....

My children's laughter over something silly
My wife's kiss in the darkness of night

My memory of yesterday
My friends from yesterday
My run from yesterday

My hope for tomorrow
My plans for tomorrow
My goals for tomorrow


My love today.
My life today.






*dan simmons: wow on the vid