Thursday, October 16, 2008

Beyond Nostalgic

I am moved tonight and I am not even there. Right now as we speak, Identic community is meeting in the Performing Arts Center at Capital. This tribe of twenty somethings strives for inclusion.

Identic is the first stop for a second chance.

It was 1992. I was a Senior at Cal State, Sacramento. My best friend had just been shot more than ten times and I was swirling in thoughts that were beyond revengeful. My thoughts indicted me. Had I spoken them, I would have been declared a socio-path. The reality, I was just hurting. I was looking, wanting, and needing a place to find shelter from the swirling storm. I need a place for me to find me.

Identic did not exist. Nothing did. Now fifteen years and six days to be exact, I celebrate the community that now exist.

My friend lived. He resides in Las Vegas. He is lucky in more ways than one.

Click through here: Identic Community