Monday, October 13, 2008

Cant Take the Heat...Get Out of the Kitchen

I love my life. It's fun. Most would not believe the absolute insanity and controlled chaos that consumes most minutes of my day.

For the last two days, I have had a pocket camera with me. Thus the dead rattlesnake story.Well tonight is no different. A bit ago, I was setting out the Island in my kitchen jabbing away at the keyboard. The kids were off doing their thing. Lynette was sitting near, as was Michelle. All of us were working on our laptops.

In a moment of pandemonium, Michelle starts chirping...grunting and screaming and pointing. Across the kitchen on the counter, an imitation plant was engulfed. It seems only an hour after we had finished my son's Fire Safety Report where we had to test our fire alarm, the fake plants melting under the heat of multiple 12 inch flames.

In total, the fire ball danced under our cabinets.

Panicked, I jumped up and through the burning ball into the sink and doused it. Not knowing if I should laugh or laugh, I laughed. Of course Michelle grabbed the camera. Purcell the Paparazzi.

Go figure.

Toxic. life.
