Thursday, February 03, 2011

Day 33: Amidst Sickness

Odd how it plays out. On a day when I feel horrendous, how is it that a minimal run can bring life back to the body. Lazing while trying to power through an early morning, I still wanted to get a run in. Brief as it was, a the minimum to qualify for a Running 365 Entry of 2 Miles, I ran.

I ran sick.
Body ached.
Lumbered along.
Still dark.
Nose plugged.
Head throbbed.
Lungs panted.
Heart rate soared
Pace plummetted.
Forward captured.
Finish completed.
Head cleared.
Focus gained.
I ran well.

Today, forward is fast.

If you are feeling like garbage recycled, read here to determine if its a day to skip the run.