Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 71: Taboo Tuesday: Chaffing

Running along, I could feel my UnderArmour under shorts rubbing oddly on my inner thigh. I know, taboo topic. Yet, I could feel the hot spot of chaffing starting to occur. And at some point it will happen to you.

This past weekend, I was approaching my Mile 2 of Way Too Cool 50k. Down a steep grade, each runner waited patiently to cross a rushing creek. Knee deep run-off was freezing and splashing. The next 28+ miles would be ran in sloshing shoes, wet shorts, and an anxiety riddled question that kept bouncing in my mind "how many creek crossings would there be?"

The bigger question was actually, "will I be running in wet clothes all day?" Yet digging deeper was I was really asking, "will I blister and chaffe on my feet, legs, thighs, etc?"

I know taboo to talk about.

Chaffing is the skin's natural reaction to prolonged exposure to surface irritation such as friction and/or pressure. Typically, chaffing can be caused by a variety of normal activities and should not be cause for concern unless it is extremely severe. We have many layers of skin, and while our cells regenerate and repair themselves over time, chaffing can occur over the space of a day, or even hours. Add moisture from creek crossings and you are in for a long day.

Chaffing can be brutal.
(Not for the faint hearted. This is a Western States Runner's Chaffing.)

So how to fix it.

1. Don't cross the creek.
That is not an option but often you can follow a path that others won't look for and move up or down creek a bit and often find a place that is a little more shallow. Stay dry above your waist at all cost.

2. Carrying a dry pair of socks?
If it were only one crossing, perhaps. However, by race ending, we had crossed at least ten creeks...or it seemed. If running in dry shoes is not an option, prepare to doctor blisters on the fly. Two things we can talk about later....blister care and dry fit socks.


3. Carry a Glide Stick.
Perferred is Body Glide.
Body Glide is the best remedy for chaffing and possibly blistering.

Regardless, just keep running.
