This AM was tougher than ushual. When my alarm awakened me at 4AM, I did a RARE thing. I snoozed it. At 4:10, we battled again. Thats when Praxis showed up.
Praxis, a simple to understand and hard to apply mind tool, moves us towards a proactive best version of you.
PRAXIS DEFINDED: "You are more inclined to have a FEEELING birthed out of an ACTION than to WAIT on a FEELING in order to produce an ACTION."
Two Options This AM:
1. Lay in bed and wait till I feel like getting up to run.
2. Get our of bed (action) and do what I need to do regardless of not feeling like it.
*At the end of my run, I would be showered in the feelings of endorphine, dopemine, etc- the very feelings that make you want to get out and live a forward driven existence.
DO and you will HAVE vs HAVE until you will DO.
Do it and you will HAVE the best version moment.
Waiting till you HAVE it in order to DO it and you will be waiting for a long time.
Get going now.
Dig deep and move.
Life is bolstered when you are vibrant and alive. Though you may feel dark and dead at any level, PRAXIS says keep moving as if healthy, happy, and whole is right around the next bend in the trail.
If just may be.