Theme 1: Gear Box.
Yesterday, I rolled out the answer to the question, "what are the wraps on your legs?" Answer: Compression. I'll continue to talk about the items I have found helpful. Shoes, GPS, etc. When we are done with the current items, I will probably have a new gadget or opinion.
Theme 2: Mind Tools.
A few days ago, I explained Praxis and before that, we launched with 'Micro Goal Setting." An entire year could just write on this.
Theme 3: Runner's You Should Know.From David Goggins, Ray Zahab, Ray Sanchez, and most recent, Charlie Engle. This coming Monday, we introduce the first four woman of the series...
David Goggins Runs Through Badwater Heat
Theme 4: Why I Run?.Clearing the moments of darkness and the gleaning the summits of significance, it can sometimes be darkness that drives me.
Theme 5: Taboo Topics.
Usually on a longer run, the coversation happen easier. Runners will open up and ask a question they wanted info on but may be to afraid google it. From bloody nipples, chafing, cramping, bloating, puking, slush gut, smell, and on and on. We will give you the answers you want.
The Monthly Wrap...
As we wrap up the first month tomorrow, 28/30 were running days. Eleven were both AM/PM runs. For example, 4 miles in the AM, 4 in the PM. I am using E-Stim most days and icing a ton. How long the running will last, only tomorrow knows.
Until then,