Here are a couple things that I try to do to move through this.
1. Keep moving forward.
To stop on the trail or path and sit down to figure it out will only make it worse. The legs could seize up or the mind sink deeper into the comfort. Moving forward gets you closer to the goal and keeps your mind off delay.
2. Find a short 'Micro-goal.'
If the remaining distance is to far to fathom, break it down to a short, achieveable goal. I call these 'micro-goal.' Sometimes its to just make it to the next tree. Other times its to far to get to the next tree...I try to just get to the next step.
3. Shorten your stride and slow the pace.
A shorter stride reduces energy output which will lower your heart rate. A lower heart rate allows you to breathe easier and recover more healthy thoughts of finishing. By slowing the pace, you have redefined your pace. Sometimes the fastest you can run is 'forward.'
4. Tune in your favorite song.
Many people run with in ipod. If you do, scroll to your favorite song. Some call it a power song. Its that song the motivates your motor to rev. Hard rock, rap, hip-hop...who cares? Just find something that motivates you. My playlist is diverese, but distinct. I just caution you that sometimes, if over-used, the power song loses its ability to bring pop. Don't depend on it.
Today, when you run, jog, or walk...just enjoy the process. It will keep your heart healthy and your mind fresh.
Much hope.
*PICTURE: This picture was posted on Texas' and Be Change Runner Dave Carder's fb site a few months ago. If I could only tatt this on my hand...