As I hit the trails yesterday AM my legs were heavy. I was excited to be on the trails, sun rising, light mist filled the air. Yet the noise of my lumbering oak tree heavy legs pained. There was no apparent reason. It just happens.
What do you do when running is labor intensive and everything feels off? Below is my top 5 check list to figure out why the difficulty.
1) Check your fuel: Prior to running, did u get some good fuel? Simple sugars and empty calories, greasy/heavy foods could make u feel horrible.
AM Solution: Oatmeal 1 hour before u run
2) Check your schedule: Heavy legs could be the results of heavy miles. If your shins, quads, hips burn, look back and see if your are near a recently completed long run?
3) Check your hydration: Less likely in the winter, but during the summer, many runners start dehydrated. While running hydrate and fuel.
4) Check your shoes: An onset of leg pain could be due to the fact that your shoes are to warn or lack appropraite support/cushion. Log your miles and replace your shoes at 4-500 miles.
5) Check your head: Often its just a bad day. Sometimes it happens. On these days, realize the workout may be for the mind. When each step is a chore, convince your mind that each step is an achieved micro-goal that is celebrated with the reward of an additional step.
So the check list is assessed, but now what? Adjusting. Stay tuned.
At times, forward is fast.
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