Yesterday I opened a forwarded email from my running friend and Be Change Runner, David Bry. Pictured above. Dave passed on to me an invite from MeetUp.com that was for all runners in my area to gather to view a movie. I had already established this as a special run day. 1/11/11. Its sister, 11/11/11 holds a secret in itself. Think audacious. But for Tuesday, 1/11 is special to me because accomplishment is about to arrive for some great friends of mine.
I wrote of BK's 5K that is coming. What I didnt tell him was that we were going to go see a movie after his run to celebrate his finish. Some friends and I are going to the showing of Hood to Coast. This epic relay race winds 197 miles through Oregon Mountains and to the coast. Runners, joggers, and those who have done neither in quite some time tackle the leap-frog race.
Hood to Coast grasps and celebrates everything great about running. Its about friends, adventures, challenge, motivation and movement. Movement forward.
Today, walk a bit further. Jog a bit faster. Run a bit longer.
Today, move.