As quick as it begin, it was almost over. I knew by the nature of my schedule, running yesterday was going to be tough. Tuesday night, I got home late from Hood to Coast Premier. Rolling out of bed at 4AM wasnt going to happen because I wanted to see my kids which produces a late start. Without running in the AM, my chances of running everyday drop dratcially. Things come up.
By 8pm last night, I was finishing my last meeting and still had not ran. With anghst in my step, I looked at the pavement. It was cursing at me to go away. I scrolled my IPOD and landed on a song called Almost Over and giggled at the irony of the moment. With a decision before me, if I didnt run, my goal of running everyday for a year was almost over.
For those who wonder, my definition of a run, has to be a measurable distance. A minimum of 2 miles or 20 minutes is the minimum to call it a run for my experiment. I started down the road in the cold air and my lungs burned. But it was worth it. 2 miles, 16:25 Seconds. DONE.
And for those still trying to get a listen to what was on the ipod...
Relax. Run. Remember the reason.