Friday, September 25, 2009

Beauty: Moving From Hunger to Hope

Last week we had an incredible thing happen. Here is the back story. Over 2 years ago, I shared with Michelle that I wanted to be able to send every Oak Ridge Elementary student home on Friday with enough food to feed their family over the 48 hour weekend. The problem is that 452 students represents approximately 2000 people.

Last Thursday, Michelle was asked to meet with the great folks at the Sacramento Food Bank. These incredible people have shared the same vision but didn't have the mechanism to disseminate the food. We didn't have the food. Together, we are stronger.

The beautiful people of Oak Park are often under nourished. We hold in our hand the ability to go.

We have the ability to do it because it is the right thing with no other motive.

Imagine the impact when we launch this on October 16th. On this day, we will do our first distribution. We need volunteers to have a passion to pursue this monumental feat of sheer logistics.

It is possible.

Much hope. More love.