Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 99: A Quick Spin to Get Unstuck

Last night I got home from my son's baseball game. Got the kids doing homework and trying to get some emails sent. It was alot of details flying at once.

Do you ever get Acute Stress Syndrome? I have know idea if that is a real issue, but it sounds real. For me, its a case of getting flustered fast. Realizing it was happening, I asked for a few moments to resync and get balanced. Going to Hot Yoga for 90 min was not feasible.

I slipped into the room where the newly acquired treadmill (thank you Chris and Yvonne) is and get it humming. With U2's Live @ Slane Castle, I start to run.

Doors open, music blaring, heart racing. I run.

Within 30 minutes and just under 4 miles, I felt calmed.

Run. Jog. Walk. Move.

Do you realize within you, a best version resides. Sometimes the version of you gets buried by details, circumstances, pain, problems, etc. The reality is takes movement to clear the madness.

The worst thing I could have done is become stagnent and stale. Stuck. When I don't keep moving forward I get stuck in a moment that I can't get out of and surrounded by all that I can't leave behind.

"You got to stand up straight, carry your own weight..."

Waiting won't work. Later will not be better.

Do it now.